Auto E-Invoicing - India TaxSync Suite

Autor: Advaiya Solutions Inc.

Easy tax compliance and e-invoice generation with an integration into Microsoft Business Central.

Advaiya Auto E-Invoicing, an extension for Microsoft BusinessCentral, is a powerful and comprehensive solution designed to streamline invoice generation and ensure tax compliance.
With a user-friendly interface seamlessly integrated into BusinessCentral, this extension empowers businesses to effortlessly generate or cancel invoices for various transaction types, including sales invoices and credit notes, in just one click.
Real-time integration with Goods and Services Providers (GSPs) ensures immediate transmission of e-invoices, including all the necessary IRN and acknowledgment information, to government portals, making compliance with tax regulations a hassle-free task.

Key features:

  • Generate and cancel e-invoices in a single click: Effortlessly create e-invoices for various transaction types and quickly cancel them if needed, all from within Microsoft Business Central.
  • Accurate and error-free: Validates all the required information, including IRN and acknowledgment data, before sending the request to the IRN portal. This validation process eliminates errors and inaccuracies in your invoices.
  • QRcode generation: Automatically create QR codes containing essential invoice details, such as IRN (Invoice Reference Number), acknowledgment number, or date, making it easier for stakeholders to verify invoice authenticity.
  • Real-time GSP integration: Offers a secure, real-time connection to goods and Services Providers (GSPs) for instantaneous e-invoice transmission to ensure compliance with government regulations.
  • QRcodes on invoice documents: QRcodes are conveniently available on all e-invoice documents, simplifying verification and validation processes.
  • Comprehensive invoicing logs: Detailed logs of e-invoicing actions, including who generated e-invoices and provide complete visibility and accountability.


  • Time and cost-saving
  • Enhanced accuracy
  • Enhanced visibility
  • Seamless government interaction
  • Efficient tracking
  • Easier electronic invoicing

  • Ensure your organization is set to enhance the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and empower finance teams with Auto E-Invoicing's groundbreaking capabilities. Let Advaiya guide you through the digital invoicing process.
    Contact our representative at and get a free consultation session.

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